Sustainability & Resilience

Among the goals of our association, there are:

  • Researching on subjects related to Sustainability, mainly its relation to Ecology, Anthropology, Society, Politics, Economics, Culture and Technology.
  • La investigación sobre el uso sostenible, saludable y democratizador de la tecnología en el contexto de una ciudadanía responsable.

  • Social awareness raising about that research and generally on those subjects.
  • Social promotion of values linked to Sustainability.
  • Education on those values and its application to all aspects of human living.

Brief resumé of our activities in this field

(Some of our activities are done as pro-bono contributions, with no payment in exchange, some others are done through barter, and others as contracted services.)

Our own websites in this field

Bibliografía Pospetróleo (2015…)

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Municipios Pospetróleo (2014…)

Captura del web de (2011…)

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